Monday, May 31, 2010

Foot Injury

On Saturday night I was going out to the grab my yearbook for my cousins to see. It was in some plastic bins on the outside border of the garage. I wasn't wearing shoes and accidentally stepped on a plastic garbage sack. When I stepped down my foot meet some sort of glass bottle. I yanked my foot up in pain but still grabbed the yearbook before walking back inside. The pain really set in on the steps leading back up into the house. I sat down quickly feeling quite dizzy and then watched in horror as blood started rushing out of my foot. 

(The blood in this photo is legitimate)

At first I was too scared to say anything but as more and more blood poured out from my body I started calling the name of my Uncle, Brian. He came in and saw the mess. Uncle Brian quickly got my mom and started to examine the wound. As he washed away the majority of the blood he could see the outlines of the cuts. One on the outside edge and one in between the toes. He determined that no stitches would be necessary but I should be pretty careful. Over the next two days I got pretty spoiled. I sat in a wheel chair all through church and got first dibbs on almost everything we did. Luckily, I'm all better now.

Thanks for listening to my highly dramatized foot injury story. 

1 comment:

  1. ouch that sounds like it hurt!!
    im so sorry!!
    but at least they spoiled you!!
